Thursday, June 4, 2015

Believe in Tomorrow

In early May, we spent a week in the mountains of North Carolina courtesy of the Believe in Tomorrow Respite home in Pinnacle Falls. To say we had a fantastic time would be an understatement. What I thought would be a nice week exploring the mountains and having some much needed family time transformed us all and helped us to forget about the challenges of the past (almost) year. The kids played together in and around the beautiful house, we hiked some amazing trails, had nightly bonfires, played in mountain streams and waterfalls, enjoyed breathtaking views, met some of the kindest neighbors and simply enjoyed exploring a new place as a family without distractions or constant reminders of Nathan's limitations. There was a time when I didn't think about tomorrow, or even any time other than the very moment we were living, it was simply too overwhelming for me to try to think ahead. So the name "Believe in Tomorrow" is so fitting for us right now for this trip...  I feel like we can truly look ahead and plan for our future and believe that there is a brighter tomorrow for Nathan and for our family. And that is just a beautiful thing! Here are a few photos from our trip.

"Pretty Place" AKA Symmes Chapel in South Carolina. This truly was the most breathtaking view!

Hiking the trails near the house 

Dupont National Forest

Dupont National Forest

Neighborhood waterfalls

Neighborhood waterfall 

More neighborhood hiking

Roasting our giant marshmallows
Our family rock for the healing garden at the house
The kids also wanted to make their own rock for the healing garden

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